Looking over the back to the east.
The usual crew headed south, even though the forecast didn't look great. When we arrived in Hurricane Utah Friday morning, we were excited to see the wind trickling in from the right direction. The updated weather prediction called for - building throughout the day from the west. It was refreshing just to be down south in the warmer temps. We headed for the top and were greeted there by a couple of Colorado pilots eager as we were to shake off the winter dust. As we set up, the wind was a consistent 18 to 20 mph straight in. We all launched safely and were soon cruising down toward the south . Four miles out on the ridge, the lift remained constant. I was soon joined by Cody, as we both cored up in one of the stronger thermals of the day. Greg joined in below us and threatened to overtake Cody and I with his super climb rate - didn't happen! We topped out at three grand over launch, and flew a bit further south. After a few hours and many more great thermals, most of us landed in the LZ below launch. Cody opted to land on top and retrieve our vehicle, saving us a drive back to the top.
A view to the north, Hurricane in the distance.
The LZ, and the northern section of the ridge.