A pic taken at the South Side a few years back for the Salt Lake Tribune. Me in my old Talon.
Just a few more flights to mention. One more Randolph day and a South Side flight. Saturday October 22nd proved to be another epic weekend flight at Randolph. Lots of pilots and great air. A few newbies got their first high altitude flight, getting 3500 over in the glass!! I was able to add a few more hours to the log.
Monday November 14th, I made it down to the South Side. Cal was the only other Hang at the top, sporting a broken keel - a set-up issue. Even though he couldn't fly, Cal was kind enough to stick around and assist my launch. The wind was gusty, exceeding 25mph. Once in the air, it was reasonably smooth for late morning conditions. I quickly gained 500 over and explored the consistent lift out front over the houses. Cal was still hanging out in the parking area when I landed. Thanks Cal!
Dave buzzing Randolph launch in his Falcon.