Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Birds Of A Feather

I know that it's been a while since my last post. There has been a lot thats happened over the course of the past year. Julie has recovered from breast cancer for one. She bravely endured a year of surgery, chemo and radiation to defeat the triple negative cancer that invaded her body. Greg, my good friend and long time hang glider companion had a bad landing last September and broke his neck, among other injuries. He was fortunate to live through the ordeal but will be partially limited physically due to paralysis.

On a brighter note, the house is completely finished (including the basement). Im on to bigger and more important things, like building an out building! I just can't stop.

This photo came from a flight I had last month. The bald eagle followed me around for over 10 minutes. For the most part he was right on my tail. We flew together and gained several hundred feet. The wife of another pilot who was at launch took this photo.

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