Yesterday part of the gang flew Inspo. When we arrived the wind was a bit stiff, and as a result a van load of bag pilots were calling it quits (and wishing they had hang gliders). Val, Jeff, Greg and I set up and within the hour I was launched. I was surprised to find myself scratching to stay up. I was soon over the sub-station near the bail out LZ, barely maintaining 400 ft above the ground. I was able to stay in the lift and climb high enough to fly near the the big green LZ. There I worked some light lift, but was soon making turns setting up my approach to land. The rest of the gang had better flights, but reported nasty conditions. Later Greg was heard on multiple occasions making "there I was" comments. Not too long after I landed, Greg and Val appeared high over the LZ. By that time the big green LZ was transformed into a soccer circus, with a few hundred kids playing and oblivious that soon they would be under attack from the air. With the LZ 75% obscured with kids, Greg and Val pulled of respectable landings and managed to avoid hitting anyone. After a two hour+ flight, Jeff showed us all how to thread the needle. Jeff landed well even though the number of soccer players multiplied.
Some of the kids were shocked as the gliders seemed to appear from nowhere. Greg on final.
A few shots of Jeff weaving through the maze
A couple of future pilots
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